Paul Longhurst
Jul 7, 2022
Why law firms should be celebrating independence on 4 July
When a law firm engages a consultancy like 3Kites, it may not consider if the advice is unfettered by any of the potential suppliers that...
Jenni Tellyn
Jun 29, 2022
It's Pride month, but where are all the lesbians?
In this article celebrating Pride month, Jenni Tellyn reflects upon her experiences as a lesbian in the legal industry and the phenomenon...
Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp
Jun 21, 2022
Why systems support is the way to a good night's sleep
Why does it matter if a product is out of support, especially if it continues to run without problems in an unchanging technical...
Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp
May 24, 2022
To be, or not to be… compliant, that is the data retention question
Back in the day when GDPR was just a twinkle in the eye of a Brussels law maker, firms held on to documents and timesheets (with their...
Paul Longhurst
May 5, 2022
The extraordinary case of the missing case (management system)
The following article is written as part of the Navigating Legaltech series for The Global Legal Post. In the 90s and noughties, small...
Paul Longhurst and Richard Kemp
Apr 5, 2022
Let my firm open the file (with apologies to Pete Townshend)
Why is opening new files so easy for some law firms and so hard for others? And what are the regulatory requirements?
Jenni Tellyn
Mar 30, 2022
Podcast - Hybrid working, technology and KM
3Kites' Consultant Jenni Tellyn speaks to Ben Firth as part of a two-episode podcast for Thomson Reuters' Knowledge Series.
Jon Howells
Mar 22, 2022
Getting to grips with information security – a quick start guide
Practical steps for law firms when tackling information security
Mar 4, 2022
Mr Blue Sky – moving your firm’s applications to the cloud
Benefits of moving away from on-premise systems and the practical steps to take.
Mar 1, 2022
Jenni Tellyn joins 3Kites Consulting
3Kites Consulting is pleased to announce that Jenni Tellyn, a new consultant with over 20 years’ experience in a variety of legal and...