Paul Longhurst
Aug 2, 2017
Head in the clouds - comparing cloud computing with on-premise for major systems
Less than three years ago, in September 2014, 3Kites ran a seminar (with Kemp IT Law) about balancing the benefits and risks of cloud...
Duncan Ogilvy
Feb 21, 2017
Making change happen in law firms - why is it so hard?
A good starting point is to consider what marks law firms out as businesses – and there are many characteristics which are not all...
Melanie Farquharson
Feb 13, 2017
The Alternative In-House Technology Summit
“In professional services if you aren’t addressing technology you really don’t have a future”. This slightly alarming quotation from a...
Sally Roberts
Jan 9, 2017
3Kites Case Study for Holman Fenwick Willan with Clear People
3Kites consultants Melanie Farquharson and Sally Roberts worked with SharePoint consultancy ClearPeople on a new intranet and knowledge...
Paul Longhurst
Mar 1, 2016
PMS Wasteland
So here’s the thing – if you were to spend £3,000,000 on a house with six bedrooms, three reception rooms, a large kitchen, a double...
Paul Longhurst
Nov 1, 2015
Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Sector
As artificial intelligence or AI has started to feature more regularly in both mainstream and legallyspecific media outlets (3Kites’ Paul...
Duncan Ogilvy and Melanie Farquharson
Sep 1, 2015
A new PMS – a chance for refreshed processes
As is well documented, a number of legal sector Practice Management Systems (PMS) are approaching the end of their (supported) lives, and...
Duncan Oglivy and Paul Longhurst
Jan 1, 2015
3Kites’ Brief Guide to Law Firm Mergers… and How to Make a Success of Them
Introduction A quick search for the term ‘Merger’ on the website of The Lawyer shows 342 results for 2010, rising through subsequent...
Sally Roberts
Jan 1, 2015
Keeping up with the Joneses – the latest trends in intranet design
When we are engaged to work on an intranet project, we are often asked what other law firms are doing with their sites as a starting...
Melanie Farquharson
Jan 1, 2015
Management of Legal Work – Case Management, Matter Management and Legal Project Management
“The appetite for project management and process management tools and methods appears to be off the scale,” according to the recent Legal...